Top quality requires optimum production conditions. This is the only way to meet the individual requirements of our customers and thus ensure their economic success. This requires tool solutions that fulfil the daily challenges in the areas of materials, technology and processes without compromise.
Nouvelles et communiqués de presse mondiaux de Leitz
Material diversity in the furniture and interior design industry
One's own home is the center of one's life. Not least due to the life-changing events of the past months, a large part of the population spends more time within their own four walls than ever before. In many places, this has increased the desire for a relaxing and comfortable home as well as high-quality interior design. Colors inspired by nature, natural materials and a clear, reduced design are popular.
With the right tools for compact laminates to the perfect final product
01 septembre 2022
Compact laminates such as HPL, hard paper or hard fabric find a wide range of applications due to their design possibilities and robust properties. This material is especially popular in furniture, kitchen and trade fair construction, in façade construction but also in the sanitary sector. HPL is particularly in great demand where robust properties and the highest standards have to be met. However, the tool stress during the machining of compact laminates is high because the surface coating has a corresponding hardness.
Everlasting working with the NiRo collet chuck Premium from Leitz
12 juillet 2022
for lasting guarantee of flexible and productive CNC machining with shank tools.
High quality on the workpiece can only be guaranteed with high-quality tool clamping technology.
Le groupe Leitz est le premier fabricant mondial d'outils pour l'usinage professionnel du bois massif et des matériaux dérivés du bois, ainsi que des plastiques, des métaux non ferreux et des matériaux composites.
En tant qu'entreprise familiale internationale, Leitz est présente dans plus de 150 pays, dont 38 ont leurs propres filiales et environ 3 000 employés. Nous vous proposons un domaine d'activité intéressant offrant un haut degré de possibilités créatives dans un environnement international.