Leitz presents an extensive programme of circular sawblades for machining NF metals
Profiles, extrusions, panels, metal sheets
The machining of profiles often confronts users with situations that require special solutions. For example, thin-walled profiles are far more difficult to machine than comparable profiles with thicker walls. Likewise, many tools reach their limits machining laminated panels or profiles. Leitz, with its long-standing experience in the professional machining of NF metals, has further developed its range of tools and now offers solutions for numerous challenges in machining profiles as well as extrusions, panels or metal sheets.
The solutions from Leitz
Circular sawblades for crosscutting, trimming and mitre cutting
Circular sawblades: Especially for crosscutting and mitre cutting of profiles
Circular sawblades: For machining solid Aluminium and brass
ThinCut circular sawblades “Premium”: For crosscutting and sizing of thin walled NF profiles
Circular sawblades “Excellent”: Especially for crosscutting and mitre cutting of profiles
GlossCut circular sawblades “Excellent”: For the perfect cut of profiles with a special finish
Diamond-tipped circular sawblades “Excellent”: Special cutting material for best performance and long tool life
Circular sawblades for machining profiles
Flexibility & Quality

Circular sawblades for machining profiles
Flexibility & Quality
Tools especially for crosscutting and mitre cutting of profiles.
- Useable in various NF metals
- Superior cutting quality
- Proven sawing technology
- Especially for sawing profiles
- Positive or negative cutting angle design possible
- Diameter 160-650 mm (other dimensions on request)
- Suitable for all standard machines
- Available from stock
- Tungsten carbide-tipped
Circular sawblades for solid materials
Productivity & Efficiency

Circular sawblades for solid materials
Productivity & Efficiency
For machining solid Aluminium and brass.
Smooth cut surfaces and edges
Higher feed speeds possible
Economic sawing
Long tool life
Reduced power consumption
Different tooth geometries
Diameter 350-680 mm (other dimensions on request)
Programme includes specifications for Schelling and Mayer machines
For Aluminium or brass panels
Available from stock
Special grade of tungsten carbide
ThinCut circular sawblades “Premium”
Sustainability & Efficiency

ThinCut circular sawblades “Premium”
Sustainability & Efficiency
Circular sawblades for crosscutting and sizing of thin walled NF profiles.
Superior cutting quality
Significant material savings
Low costs per cut
Suitable for extra thin walled NF profiles
Narrow kerf width (1.6-2.4 mm)
Coated tool body for minimal adhesion
Diameter 160-350 mm (other dimensions on request)
Available from stock
Tungsten carbide-tipped
Circular sawblades “Excellent”
Sustainability & Quality

Circular sawblades “Excellent”
Sustainability & Quality
Circular sawblades especially for crosscutting and mitre cutting of profiles.
Reduced noise
Superior cutting quality
Useable with various NF metals
Low machine load
Tool body with vibration damping steel foil
Diameter 300-350 mm (other dimensions on request)
For crosscut, trimming, mitre cutting and portable sawing machines
Available from stock
Tungsten carbide-tipped
GlossCut circular sawblades “Excellent”
Quality & Sustainability

GlossCut circular sawblades “Excellent”
Quality & Sustainability
Tools for the perfect cut of profiles with a special finish.
- Very high cutting quality (no burr formation or delamination, tear-free cutting edges, score-free cutting surfaces)
- Low noise level
- Special tooth geometry
- Diameter 160-350 mm (other dimensions on request)
- Suitable for portable circular saws
- Suitable for all standard machines
- Especially for covered and lacquered NF metal profiles
- Available from stock
- Tungsten carbide-tipped
Diamond-tipped circular sawblades “Excellent”
Quality & Efficiency

Diamond-tipped circular sawblades “Excellent”
Quality & Efficiency
Tools with special cutting material for best performance and long tool life.
- Superior cutting quality
- Long tool life
- Reduced setup times
- Low costs per cut
- Diameter 300-600 mm (other dimensions on request)
- Suitable for all standard machines
- For NF metal profiles
- Available from stock
- Diamond-tipped