Leitz VariPlan Plus Planing Cutterhead
Save time, money and protect the environment
Planing processes are demanding on tooling and machines often resulting in time-consuming tool changes and machine adjustments disrupting the process and reducing productivity. The Leitz VariPlan Plus planing cutterhead is a constant diameter tool system that can be resharpened several times without change in tool diameter. By eliminating any adjustments after the quick and easy knife change VariPlan Plus cutterheads improves efficiency, quality and economics.
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Longer tool life compared to oneway-knife systems
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Lower cutting material costs compared to standard turnblade knives as resharpenable cutting edges
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Resharpenable with 1 mm resharpening area
- Constant diameter with high runout accuracy
- No adjustment required to the machine after tool changes
- Quick and easy knife change
- Excellent machined finish
- For tools with bore or HSK-85 WS adaptor
- Knives 3-times resharpenable
- Cutting width 130 - 270 mm
- Suitable for conventional planing machines
- For processing softwoods, hardwoods, thermoplastics
- Available from stock
- Cutting material HS or HW
Your benefits due to ...
Quality & Flexibility
Perfect finish quality and variable application possibilities

Quality & Flexibility
Perfect finish quality and variable application possibilities
- Perfect finish quality through high runout accuracy of the clamping system
- Ideal to combine with profile tools due to diameter constancy
- Flexible profiles by using additional ProFix profile knife adaptors
- The optimum cutting material for every application