Divided into several groups, the participants were given various tricky brainteasers to solve. In other challenges they had to prove their organizational talent and teamwork skills. For each task they completed, the groups were rewarded with bicycle components, which then had to be assembled as a team to create a functional children's bicycle. The result was really impressive and so at the end of the event three brand new, fully functional children's bikes were ready for use.

The fun and motivation were enormous. What the conference participants did not know until the end was that the assembled bicycles were to be donated to a family of nine. One of the children in this family, a ten-year-old boy, is suffering from leukemia and had shortly before received a bone marrow donation from his brother two years younger. The surprise was accordingly large and very emotional, when after the announcement of the winning team additionally the parents and the story of their family were presented.  

A nice idea and a great event where the participants not only took home a medal but also the good feeling of having made an additional positive contribution.

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