Knowledge & Motivation Are The Keys To Success
How competitive advantages arise from sharing insights and experience
End consumer products are becoming similar due to the globalization of markets. This also applies to the manufacturing technologies that are used to produce a wide variety of products as economically or sustainably as possible. As a result, manufacturers are dependent on gaining advantages under growing competitive pressure, not only in product development, but in the knowledge of current and future production and manufacturing prerequisites. The key to success therefore lies not just in using the right technical equipment, machines and tooling, but with the employees themselves. Employees are the core interface within the manufacturing process who need the training, knowledge and experience to optimally handle of machine, tool and materials in order to use them to their maximum potential and success.
Leitz Customer Employee Training & Seminars
Leitz offers extensive training and education programmes for its customers worldwide, whether at the Technology Center in Oberkochen in Germany, or at the customer’s own premises. In this way, valuable and practical knowledge is passed on directly to the people who work in the manufacturing companies every day.
Tool Handling
Everything a tool can do

Tool Handling
Everything a tool can do
In addition to basic information about the technical, constructive and metallurgical properties of tools, knowledge about their suitability for certain applications is fully transferred. Skills in handling tools and information on performance limits and applications are taught in this course.
Tool Application
Optimal and resource-saving use
Tool Application
Optimal and resource-saving use
This user training serves to control and master operating conditions and parameters. In addition, it delivers insights on performance-limiting effects, measures to increase tool life and provides skills for detecting process errors.

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