Being loud is a thing of the past …

… noise-reduced working is the future!

The fact that noise makes you ill is not just a well-known fact, but has long been scientifically proven. The reduction of noise sources in everyday working life is therefore of particular importance – especially in joineries or large-scale production facilities.

Leitz has been one of the leading suppliers of noise-reduced tool systems in the struggle for optimum workplace ergonomics for many years. The highest demands on flexibility, efficiency and quality in the application and on the workpiece are also taken into account.

Our highlights for you

Lame circolari RazorCut e RazorCut PLUS
Tipo: Informazioni di prodotto
Categoria: Sezionare
Diamaster EdgeExpert
Tipo: Informazioni di prodotto
Categoria: Lavorazione pannelli
NiRo Mandrino porta pinza Premium
Tipo: Informazioni di prodotto
Categoria: Interfacce
Mandrini e pinze a fissaggio termico ThermoGrip®
Tipo: Informazioni di prodotto
Categoria: Interfacce
Leitz Service – Argomenti per il Vostro successo
Tipo: Informazioni di prodotto
Categoria: Service
Assistenza clienti
+39 (0) 473 56 21 39
Zona Industriale 9
39011 Lana (BZ)