From the past to the present – nothing works without wood

Versatile, environmentally friendly, renewable, sustainable

In today’s market, wood is now viewed as a premium renewable material with strong CO2 storage benefits, excellent insulation values and is probably the most sustainable raw material currently available worldwide. After harvesting, sawing and planing is the first step in processing that refines the wood into a working material in preparation for production.

The demands on the end-product in terms of quality and efficient processing are exacting. It is not surprising that the mechanical processing of raw wood has reached a technical maturity level that requires the competence of specialists like Leitz. When it comes to the optimum design and layout of processes in machinery and production plants, Leitz is by far the leader in its field.


For dimensional accuracy, precision and surface quality

Leitz planerhead TurboPlan PLUS
Planerhead TurboPlan PLUS


For dimensional accuracy, precision and surface quality

The first and most important step after cutting raw wood, is planing. Here the shape and material thickness are determined and, depending on the requirements, surfaces and base surfaces are created.

The selection of the right tool and the best machining strategy are decisive for the results in all subsequent machining processes.

Finger jointing

For a good joint

Finger jointing

For a good joint

The dimensionally stable precision jointing of several short wooden parts to form one large component creates construction elements that would not occur in nature in the required shape, size or load-bearing capacity. Particularly important is the quality and stability of the corresponding type of joint, specifically the finger joint.

For the production of high-quality flat or upright joints, tools are required that are optimally matched to the material, adhesive and final use.

Leitz minfinger cutter
Minfinger cutter


Shaping of the workpiece

Leitz profile cutterhead for serrated back blank knives
Profile cutterhead for serrated back blank knives


Shaping of the workpiece

Profiling is the final step in solid wood processing – from raw wood to the end product. Here the workpiece is given its final shape. It’s a very important stage as this part of the process defines the quality of the end product, creating the first impression that the consumer receives.

The overall requirements of modern production concepts demand efficient, reliable and adaptable tool systems.


Wood construction – Tool programme for the professional processing of solid wood
Type: Leitz Lexicon / Catalogue
Category: Branch catalogue

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Division Sawmills & Planing mills
Industry management
+49 (0) 7364 950 662
Leitzstraße 2
73447 Oberkochen
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