Leitz DFC®-Odsesovalni pokrov

Čisti stroji, popolni obdelovanci

Odsesovalni pokrovi imajo velik vpliv na celoten proizvodni proces pri strojni obdelavi. Pomembno je, da sta orodje in pokrov popolnoma usklajena. Leitz DFC®-odsesovalni pokrovi so individualno oblikovani in natančno prilagojeni posameznim zahtevam. Upoštevane so vse možnosti obdelave, kot so variante profilov ali različne debeline materiala. Na zahtevo je obrabo mogoče zmanjšati na absolutni minimum s ciljno keramično prevleko.

0 %
odvajanja iveri (maks.)
0 dB(A)
Less noise thanks to the optional noise-reducing design of the DFC®-Extraction hood
0 %
Faster initial assembly thanks to precise planning in advance
Leitz odsesovalni pokrov DFC®
Odsesovalni pokrov DFC®

Optimiziran pretok sekancev: Brez dvojnega rezanja, boljše zbiranje sekancev in daljša življenjska doba orodja.

Preprečevanje požara: Manjše nastajanje prahu in s tem manjša nevarnost požara zahvaljujoč optimizirani nastavitvi odsesovalnih pokrovov.

Prihranek časa in stroškov: Hitrejša menjava orodij in občutno zmanjšan čas izpadov stroja zahvaljujoč ergonomski zasnovi.

Trajnost: DFC®-odsesalni pokrovi nudijo maksimalno učinkovitost kljub zmanjšani porabi energije.

1) Durable extraction hoods thanks to replaceable wear plates

2) Quick tool change thanks to simple assembly

3) Simple spare parts management thanks to stickers and labelling of all components

4) Efficient extraction performance thanks to customised diameters

Leitz odsesovalni pokrov DFC®
Odsesovalni pokrov DFC®

Focus on customer needs

Before a new extraction hood is designed, the conditions on site are measured by a Leitz technician and all needs and requirements are precisely determined. All this information is then taken into account in the design. In this way, each extraction hood is customised to the respective requirements, resulting in a clean machine and perfect workpieces.


  • Minimised cleaning effort
  • Less waste and rework
  • Longer tool life
  • Easy handling
  • Less noise and energy consumption

Use of DFC®-Extraction hoods in various industries

Floor production

Floor production

The roots of the Leitz DFC®-Extraction hood are in the flooring industry. A modular system customised to the industry with individual adaptation to the machine environment and profiles leads to fast and efficient project handling.

Leitz DFC®-Extraction hoods
DFC®-Extraction hoods

Furniture industry

Furniture industry

Whether for large machining operations or fine profiling and jointing work, the panels must be free of dust and chips in furniture production. Loose edges and pressed-in chips lead to rejects or reworking. These risks can be minimised with perfectly adapted extraction hoods.

Leitz has also repeatedly improved the plate-splitting process with extraction hoods. In addition to the removal of chips, the issue of noise plays a central role here. The LowNoise version delivers significant improvements here!

Leitz DFC®-Extraction hoods
DFC®-Extraction hoods
Leitz DFC®-Extraction hoods
DFC®-Extraction hoods

Advanced Materials

Leitz extraction hoods are as diverse as the materials on the market. Whether abrasive fibre cement for facades or soft foam for insulation, each material has different requirements. By using a special ceramic coating for abrasive materials, the lifetime of the extraction hoods can be extended by a factor of more than 10.


  • Long lifetime with abrasive materials
  • Low dust pollution in the air
  • Easy handling
Leitz odsesovalni pokrov DFC®
Odsesovalni pokrov DFC®

Features and optimisations

Jet nozzle

Leitz odsesovalni pokrov DFC®
Odsesovalni pokrov DFC®

Jet nozzle

For with feed grooving to clean the groove and for special applications, a jet nozzle can be used as an air curtain instead of classic brushes.

LowNoise design

Leitz DFC®-Extraction hood
DFC®-Extraction hood

LowNoise design

A special external construction reduces the sound level by up to 5 dB(A).

Lightweight construction

Leitz odsesovalni pokrov DFC®
Odsesovalni pokrov DFC®

Lightweight construction

Lightweight extraction hoods can be used for large processing thicknesses and non-abrasive materials. An aluminium body and weight-reduced steel parts ensure a weight saving of around 30 %. The focus here is on ergonomics.

Special versions

Every project is individual. Thanks to Leitz‘s many years of experience in the construction of special hoods of all kinds, there is a suitable extraction hood for every requirement.


Odsesovalni pokrovi DFC®
Vrsta: Podatki o izdelku
Kategorija: Brušenje in storitve
Pomoč strankam
+386 (0) 4 238 12 22
Savska cesta 14
4000 Kranj
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